King of the Hill has now been running for over 8 years, and Sa-Matra is continuing to add new features into the game. With a new year, comes new changes.
We’ve included a sneak peak of some of the planned new features which we’re looking forward to releasing this year.
Upgraded Kill-Feed
The kill feed has been separated from the chat window into it’s own area. This means chat is no longer cluttered with constant kills and deaths.
Revamped Lobby System
The lobby has been revamped and will allow players to have a smoother joining process and see the teams much easier.
End of Round – Map Voting
At the end of the round players will be able to vote for their favourite maps. This allows for players to vote towards the next map rather than it being consistently random. This setting is configurable per server.
Players who have active VIP in-game will also get additional votes towards the next map.
Custom Loadouts
The ability to add custom loadouts will be added to the game. If you have a few different kits you like to run normally, you can save your favourites and re-use them with a single click of a button! This includes Uniforms, Perks and Weapons.
Additional slots can be purchased in the same way that Perks can be.
Players who have active VIP in-game will also be able to save more loadouts by default.
Other Changes
- 2-sided AOs alongside classic 3-sided AOs
- More AOs, now including towns which only had space for 2 spawns as 2-sided AOs
- Paradropping Quadbikes outside of the AO and Spawn
- Navel Vehicle Purchase in 2 Sides AOs
- Team Balance Overhaul
That sounds awesome!!